APA’s aims to protect farmed animals, promote a vegan lifestyle and encourage the collective transition to a plant-based diet.

our vision

Put an end to the exploitative use of farmed animals and promote an empathetic relationship between humans and all nonhuman animals.
our goal
The adoption of a mentality and way of life that seeks to exclude - as far as possible - all forms of exploitation and cruelty toward non – human animals whether it is for food, clothing or any other purpose.  To serve this objective, we are also dedicated to the promotion of animal – free alternatives and the immediate or gradual transition to a plant – based diet.

our goal
The adoption of a mentality and way of life that seeks to exclude - as far as possible - all forms of exploitation and cruelty toward non – human animals whether it is for food, clothing or any other purpose.  To serve this objective, we are also dedicated to the promotion of animal – free alternatives and the immediate or gradual transition to a plant – based diet.
We aim:
• to put an end to animal exploitation
• to cultivate respect for every living being
• to encourage the transition to a plant – based diet
• to educate and inform the public about the benefits of veganism for human health, non – human animals and the environment
• to live by the quote "All lives are precious"
our promise
To become the voice of those who cannot speak our language. To defend their rights. Not to stop as long as there are animals still suffering at the hands of humans.
Our way
“You should treat all others the way you would like to be treated”.
We recognize the right of all animals to be treated as individuals with their respective needs and desires, and not as human property. Our relationship with other animals must be governed by compassion, empathy, kindness, and justice. A vegan way of life is the most effective way to stand against the normalized violence to which trillions of animals are presently subjected, and significantly contribute to the reduction of demand for products that cause animal suffering.
We categorically reject the claim that humans are inherently superior to other species. Valuing one life more than another has been the root of racism, ableism, sexism and speciesism and has historically encouraged selfish and destructive attitudes, which led to devastating consequences for those labelled “less than”.